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Salvatore Larosa

Salvatore Larosa

Salvatore Larosa is a business consultant and developer, actually working in the TIME Practice of Arthur D. Little in Rome, Italy. The main focus of his work is related to Web and Media projects and in particular marketing strategies, service modeling and process implementation for Web branding and e-business, social media and communities, digital television, mobile VAS for telcos, interactive advertising, Customer/Citizen Relationship Management and communication, territorial marketing. In his 11 years of professional activity Salvatore has been mostly involved in projects related to Telcos (Web+mobile models and services, new VAS ideation), Broadcasters and Press (content strategies, new marketing / media integration models), Advertising (ROI-oriented communicatio and relational-social models), Public Administration (e-Government, e-Participation and CRM), industry (e-business services, e-marketing plans, business planning).
